McGuire Megna Attorneys, An Association of Professionals

Florida Legal Protections Against Domestic Violence

Florida Legal Protections Against Domestic Violence

If you have been served with a restraining order or plan to petition for a restraining order for domestic violence, the attorneys of McGuire Law Offices can skillfully represent you. With offices in Miami, we represent clients throughout Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pasco County.

Contact our office today for a confidential consultation regarding your domestic violence case.

Effectively Addressing Complex Matters

We understand the complex interplay between domestic violence allegations and other family law issues. For example, when accusations of spouse abuse or child abuse come in the midst of a divorce, the accusations may be a way to gain leverage in child custody or visitation arrangements.

We work closely with our clients to ensure that we understand the circumstances and their concerns. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to handling domestic violence allegations – the best solutions depend entirely upon the context.

When allegations arise as part of divorce or separation proceedings, our attorneys can effectively convey these contextual issues in the courtroom. When there are other issues at play, we are readily able to address those as well.

If you are the subject of a restraining order, you must act cautiously to avoid further criminal penalties. Violating a restraining order is a serious crime, and even if you are found not guilty of the underlying assault or battery, you can still be sanctioned for the violation.

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation Regarding Domestic Violence Matters

To discuss your legal concerns related to domestic violence with a compassionate and qualified lawyer, contact our office today for a free consultation. We will provide a candid evaluation of your situation.


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