Since taking the oath of office in January, Donald Trump has been blamed for a lot of things. Some of them can be attributed to him, others not so much. This one depends upon your perspective and probably your political allegiances.
Lynn and Dave Aronberg — a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader and the top prosecutor in Palm Beach County, Fla., respectively have announced they are getting a divorce. The initial announcement was boiler plate-what you’d expect from a high profile couple who decide to end a short term marriage. It’s what came after the announcement that has caused the stir and elicited articles from The Washington Post, The Hill, and Newsmax. It seems the couple’s political differences caused “irreconcilable differences” in their marriage. Lynn Aronberg was a fan of Trump dating back to his days on the Apprentice and took numerous selfies with him and his wife Melania, posting them to her social media accounts. Dave Aronberg, a Democrat, didn’t take so kindly to her wife’s political affections.
Lynn Aronberg said liberal supporters considered her as a “hayseed wife” who had “intolerable politics,” the Post reported.
As the Hillary-Trump saga developed, so did tension in their relationship.
Lynn Aronberg explained that the Trump brand became toxic to her now ex-husband’s base, recalling how she would snap selfies of herself with Donald and Melanie Trump on the red carpet while her husband would hide from the public’s eye.
“He’d ask me to not take pictures. He wouldn’t want me to post them,” she told The Washington Post. “I did not listen to him.”
Lynn Aronberg’s selfie habit resulted in her then husband receiving calls from irate supporters, the Post said.
The Aronbergs are not the only couple to split over Trump. Anthony Scaramucci, the recently fired White House Communications Director not only lost his Trump gig but his wife has filed for divorce, seemingly over politics.
“Page Six” is reporting that after three years of marriage, Deidre Ball, his wife, has had enough and is filing for divorce from the Wall Street wiz.
Depending on who you listen to, Deidre was not a fan of the President and never wanted a life focused on government service.
As a divorce lawyer, it’s not the first time I’ve encountered couples with irreconcilable differences over politics, religion, or lifestyle. A word to the wise, before you decide to get hitched, talk about these issues with the “love of your life.” You may find that love doesn’t overcome everything. It’s better to know beforehand than endure a divorce over your spouses worldview.